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Managing repositories

There are two kinds of repositories used in osbuild-composer:

  1. Custom 3rd party repositories - use these to include packages that are not available in the official Fedora or RHEL repositories.
  2. Official repository overrides - use these if you want to download base system RPMs from elsewhere than the official repositories. For example if you have a custom mirror in your network. Keep in mind that this will disable the default repositories, so the mirror must contain all necessary packages!

Custom 3rd party repositories

These are managed using composer-cli (see the manpage for complete reference). To add a new repository, create a TOML file like this:

id = "k8s"
name = "Kubernetes"
type = "yum-baseurl"
url = ""
check_gpg = false
check_ssl = false

and add it using composer-cli sources add <file-name.toml>. Verify its presence using composer-cli sources list and its content using composer-cli sources info <id>.

Valid values for the type field are: yum-baseurl, yum-mirrorlist, and yum-metalink.

Using sources with specific distributions

A new optional field has been added to the repository source format. It is a list of distribution strings that the source will be used with when depsolving and building images.

Sources with no distros will be used with all composes. If you want to use a source for a specific distro you set the distros list to the distro name(s) to use it with.

eg. A source that is only used when depsolving or building fedora 32:

check_gpg = true
check_ssl = true
distros = ["fedora-32"]
id = "f32-local"
name = "local packages for fedora32"
type = "yum-baseurl"
url = "http://local/repos/fedora32/projectrepo/"

This source will be used for any requests that specify fedora-32, eg. listing packages and specifying fedora-32 will include this source, but listing packages for the host distro will not.

Verifying Repository Metadata with GPG

In addition to checking the GPG signature on rpm packages, DNF can check that repository metadata has been signed with a GPG key. You can setup such a repository yourself by signing your repomd.xml file after you have run createrepo_c on your repository. For example:

cd repo/
createrepo_c .
cd repodata/
gpg -u YOUR-GPG-KEY-EMAIL --yes --detach-sign --armor repomd.xml

In order to check this signature you need to tell osbuild-composer what gpg key to use to do the check. Set check_repogpg = true in the source, and if the key is available over https, set the gpgkeys entry to the URL for the key, like this:

check_gpg = true
check_ssl = true
id = "custom-local"
name = "signed local packages"
type = "yum-baseurl"
url = "https://local/repos/projectrepo/"
check_repogpg = true

Normally you would want to distribute the key via a separate channel from the rpms for better security, the above is just an example. You can also embed the whole key into the source gpgkeys entry. If the entry starts with -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- it will import it directly instead of fetching it from the url. For example:

check_gpg = true
check_ssl = true
id = "custom-local"
name = "signed local packages"
type = "yum-baseurl"
url = "https://local/repos/projectrepo/"
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


Notice that gpgkeys can take as many key urls and keys as you need, not just one. If the signature cannot be found an error similar to this will be returned:

GPG verification is enabled, but GPG signature is not available.
This may be an error or the repository does not support GPG verification:
Status code: 404 for http://repo-server/fedora/repodata/repomd.xml.asc (IP:

And if the signature is invalid:

repomd.xml GPG signature verification error: Bad GPG signature

You can test the signature of the repository manually by running gpg --verify repomd.xml.asc to help troubleshoot problems.

Official repository overrides

osbuild-composer does not inherit the system repositories located in /etc/yum.repos.d/. Instead, it has its own set of official repositories defined in /usr/share/osbuild-composer/repositories. To override the official repositories, define overrides in /etc/osbuild-composer/repositories. This directory is meant for user defined overrides and the files located here take precedence over those in /usr.

The configuration files are not in the usual "repo" format. Instead, they are simple JSON files.

Defining official repository overrides

To set your own repositories, create this directory if it does not exist already:

$ sudo mkdir -p /etc/osbuild-composer/repositories

Based on the system you want to build an image for, determine the name of a new JSON file:

  • Fedora 32 - fedora-32.json
  • Fedora 33 - fedora-33.json
  • RHEL 8.4 - rhel-8.4.json (rhel-84.json if you are using osbuild-composer prior to version 100)
  • RHEL 9.0 - rhel-9.0.json (rhel-90.json if you are using osbuild-composer prior to version 100)

Note that osbuild-composer prior to version 100 didn't use a dot . to separate major and minor release versions in the repository file names. New versions are backward compatible, so they will still read the old file names of distributions supported up to the version 100. However, going forward, it is strongly advised to use the new naming scheme. Future distribution versions won't be backward compatible (e.g. rhel-100.json won't work in the future for RHEL 10.0).

Then, create the JSON file with the following structure (or copy the file from /usr/share/osbuild-composer/ and modify its content):

"<ARCH>": [
"name": "<REPO NAME>",
"metalink": "",
"baseurl": "",
"mirrorlist": "",
"gpgkey": "",
"check_gpg": "",
"metadata_expire": "",

Specify only one of the following attributes: metalink, mirrorlist, or baseurl. All the remaining fields like gpgkey, metadata_expire, etc. are optional.

For example, for building a Fedora 33 image running on x86_64, create /etc/osbuild-composer/repositories/fedora-33.json with this content:

"x86_64": [
"name": "fedora",
"metalink": "",
"gpgkey": "-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----\n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\n=EPL3\n-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----\n",
"check_gpg": true

After you have created repository overrides in /etc/osbuild-composer/repositories, you must restart the osbuild-composer service in order for the overrides to take effect.

Using repositories that require subscription

osbuild-composer can use subscriptions from the host system if they are configured in the appropriate file in /etc/osbuild-composer/repositories. To enable such repository, copy the baseurl from /etc/yum.repos.d/redhat.repo and paste it into the JSON repository definition. Then allow RHSM support using "rhsm": true like this:

"x86_64": [
"baseurl": "https://localhost/repo",
"gpgkey": "...",
"rhsm": true

osbuild-composer will read the /etc/yum.repos.d/redhat.repo file from the host system and use it as a source of subscriptions. The same subscriptions must be available on a remote worker, if used.