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Image Builder is available in various distributions:

You can see an overview of which version is released where here.


osbuild-composer is a service for building customized operating system images (currently only Fedora and RHEL). These images can be used with various virtualization software such as QEMU, VirtualBox, VMWare and also with cloud computing providers like AWS, Azure or GCP.

There are two frontends that you can use to communicate with osbuild-composer:

  • Cockpit Composer: The web-based management console Cockpit comes bundled with a UI extension to build operating system artifacts. See the documentation of Cockpit Composer for information, or consult the Cockpit Guide for help on general Cockpit questions.

  • Command-line Interface: With composer-cli there exists a linux command-line interface (CLI) to some of the functionality provided by OSBuild. The CLI is part of the Weldr project, a precursor of OSBuild.

This guide contains instructions on installing osbuild-composer service and its basic usage.

If you want to fix a typo, or even contribute new content, the sources for this webpage are hosted in osbuild/ GitHub repository.

For Red Hatters, the internal guides can be found here.