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Uploading an image to to a bucket in a Generic S3 server

osbuild-composer provides the users with a convenient way to upload images, of all sorts, directly to a bucket in a Generic S3 server right after the image is built.

Using a text editor of your choice, create a configuration file with the following content:

provider = "generic.s3"

endpoint = "S3_SERVER_ENDPOINT"
accessKeyID = "S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID"
secretAccessKey = "S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"
bucket = "S3_BUCKET"
region = "S3_REGION"
key = "OBJECT_KEY"

There are several considerations when filling values in this file:

  • AWS_REGION must still be set (e.g. to us-east-1) even if it has no meaning in your S3 server
  • If your server is using HTTPS with a certificate signed by your own CA, you can either pass the CA bundle by setting the field ca_bundle, pointing it to the CA's public certificate, or skip SSL verification by setting skip_ssl_verification to true

Once everything is configured, you can trigger a compose as usual with additional image name and cloud provider profile:

$ sudo composer-cli compose start base-image-with-tmux qcow2 IMAGE_KEY generic-s3-config.toml